Recent Medical Advances
Did you know…
Your eyes, hands and chest emit light?
Acupuncture meridians have been seen and photographed?
You can talk two-way with your internal physician?
The successor to antibiotics is available in NYC without a prescription?
Three quarters of your blood vessels are unseen, untouched, unreported and untreated by the medical world?
Homeopathy's method of action is well-established?
Blood (and other liquids) can move on their own without a pump?
Water is one of the least understood substances on earth? (google "unusual properties of water")
Beside blood and lymph, you have a third and a fourth circulatory system?
These are a few Medical Advances awaiting your exploration. Call 347 515-6376 (Harvey Vedder) for lecture dates or more information.
NYCI Training Dates for 2024 & following are paused
…while instructor Judy Vedder recovers from illness. Call 212 968-0231 for current up to date status. Some Clinical Iridology instruction may be offered by Zoom during this time while waiting for full time, in-person instruction in the NYCI Brooklyn offices again.